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Slightly delayed, but Happy Lunar New Year!! 🧧🧧🧧🧧🐍🐍🐍🐍

Last February we have been visiting Toronto at this time, and while passing through Chinatown realised that there was actually a Lunar Year celebration - the year of the DRAGON! Getting super hyped hearing the drums and the music, seeing the festive decorations - we decided to see a concert in Toronto's Chinatown.

It was a small shopping mall, and the venue was really small, 5 sq meters at most, but we have been blown away by the beautiful performances and how much dedication and hard work was put in by the artists to truly immerse us in their traditions and culture. I could almost imagine that I wasn't there, but instead in some beautiful palace or a beautiful field somewhere deep within this far east country.. it was a truly special experience and we loved it ❤️ Wanting a souvenir, we actually got a stuffed animal of the dragon, later on calling him Michu as a reminder of that Saturday of February 10th :) Back then we decided that we would love to celebrate it from here onwards.

And so this year, we learned that Chinatown in London was hosting an entire parade to meet the New Year of the Snake, and as you might guess - we have planned to attend it many months before :D

Super happy to share these pictures with you, as they depict how this very special day in Chinese culture was celebrated in the city. Such an amazing parade, so many wonderful performances, such a mindblowing culture.. And yes, we now have a stuffed animal of the snake too :D 🐍 ^^

So hyped to see what this year has in store, and reading all the prophecies for the wood snake surely gets me super excited and hopeful 🔥🔥❤️❤️

P.S. - fun fact, but I actually studied Chinese for a year at university in Kiev between 2020-2021 :D (forgot most of it though 😅)


This weekend I finished playing a very classic and iconic “Deus Ex” ❤️‍🔥🔥

What a game.. I'm mind-blown of how much ahead of it's time this title was.. (June 23rd it will turn 25 years young!) 

It's an ocean of thoughts to share, as it's just such a deeply thought-provoking game, but most importantly - I had soo much fun playing it! Exploring each level, uncovering the truth about the Grey Death/Ambrosia/UNATCO/Bob Page/MJ12/Illuminati, facing betrayals and sudden twists along the journey, and at the end being truly confused on whom to really trust, faced with so much responsibility.. It incentivised me to explore every hook and cranny, to read every single data-cube or even book I find, to think for myself on what's really going on here - I loved it ^^

Spoiler ahead: At the end, I chose the ‘Dark Ages’ finale by blowing up Area 51 and ‘re-setting’ the humanity, as I felt no person should be given so much power especially with AI integration feeling so risky to trust, and going with Morgan Everett feels like partly going back to where the game started.. but as I went online I saw much debate on the topic, and seems everyone agrees that merging with AI is the most canonical way to end the game as well as it best represents the game's title "God from the machine"

Next on the list -> "Invisible War" - follows that ending too, and I'm sooo excited to play it next!! 🔥

Lastly, some screenshots here from my playthrough! Loved the environments :) 

'Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth...' - Kahlil Gibran


(mikura - 'edge' track here)

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